和田 拓海

Journal papers & letters

  1. Takumi Wada, Yuusuke Kawakita, Haruhisa Ichikawa, Shinji Yokogawa, Yoshito Tobe,“ Device Identification Based On Power Waveform Using USB-PD Negotiation,” 2024 International Conference on Intelligent Environments (IE), pp.78-84, 2024
  2. Takumi Wada, Haruhisa Ichikawa, Shinji Yokogawa, Yoshito Tobe, Yuusuke Kawakita,“ A method for generating graphs to derive maximum flow and its evaluation,” IEICE Communications Express, Vol1, pp.1-6, 2022

International conferences

  1. Takumi Wada, Haruhisa Ichikawa, Yoshito Tobe, Shinji Yokogawa, Yuusuke Kawakita, “Identification for Sink Devices Using CNN Based on the Received and Supplied Power Waveform During the USB-PD Negotiation Process,” 2023 RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (RISP NCSP 2023), pp.1-4, 2023
  2. Takumi Wada, Yoshito Tobe, Shinji Yokogawa, Haruhisa Ichikawa, Yuusuke Kawakita, “A maximum flow evaluation method of microgrids comprised of ultra-small microgrid components,” IEICE 2021 International Conference on Emerging Technologies for Communications (ICETC 2021), D3-2, 2021

Technical reports

  1. 和田 拓海, 川喜田佑介,市川晴久,横川慎二,戸辺義人, “USB-PDネゴシエーションフィルタを用いた電力波形に基づくデバイス識別”, 情報処理学会 第86回全国大会, (2024.3)
  2. 和田 拓海, 市川 晴久, 横川 慎二, 戸辺 義人, 川喜田 佑介, “再生可能エネルギー指向自立分散グリッドのための行列連結による最大電力フロー導出のグラフ生成,” センサネットワークとモバイルインテリジェンス研究会, pp.11-14, 2022
  3. 和田 拓海, 戸辺 義人, 横川 慎二, 市川 晴久, 川喜田 佑介, “最大実行可能フロー導出のためのVG-Hubネットワーク作成,” 電子情報通信学会通信ソサエティ大会, vol.B-15-60, pp.341, 2021




